Our client, an EMF warrior mum, has achieved her goal of creating a low EMF school classroom for her daughter who is electrically hypersensitive and the results are incredible!

Naomi Cook, a children's book author and health activist, engaged Safer EMF to help her navigate the challenges of finding the right IT and shielding solutions, experienced the setbacks and had those difficult conversations with the school principal, IT department, teacher and students to ultimately create a low EMF classroom, which will benefit all the children, lucky enough to be in that space.
Naomi's youngest daughter has Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS). The wireless radiation from WiFi and wireless devices in the classrooms exacerbates her symptoms to intolerable levels.
Naomi said "I'm over the moon and hope this can inspire others to have fruitful discussions with schools to reduce exposure. I 100% recommend you set up an appointment with Safer EMF before you embark on this, there are many pitfalls."
You can follow Naomi for more inspiring EMF insights on Facebook or Instagram and order her health & wellness book series empowering kids: The Little Bush Nurse
What is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS)?
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS) is a multisystem medical condition characterised by physical symptoms associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF's). Sufferers report experiencing symptoms after or during exposure to even very low levels of EMF's. Read our EHS blog to learn more about this condition.
Which EMF's were reduced?
Naomi was mindful that you really do need to pick your battles. There are many EMFs that could be considered, measured, lowered and shielded but it's important to focus on achieving what's most important. Naomi chose to focus on the type of EMF that affects her daughter most: radio-frequency radiation or wireless radiation (RF-EMF). RF-EMF emits from wireless devices like WiFi, laptops, smart watches, mobile phones, ear buds, Bluetooth and other wireless devices.
Steps to create this low EMF classroom
These are the steps we recommended to reduce the levels of RF-EMF in this block of classrooms:
1. Shield the RF-EMF emitting through the internal wall and window from the WiFi modem, in an adjoining classroom, with Swiss Shield New Daylite EMF shielding fabric
We recommended this fabric because it is pure white so would be less noticeable in the classroom against the white walls, it offers good visibility through the internal window, it covered both the internal walls and windows the RF-EMF was easily passing through, it's super lightweight and easy to install (with just a few thumbtacks) and easy to remove. Whilst this fabric offers slightly lower protection against RF-EMF's than other Swiss Shield fabrics it was chosen because it would be would not significantly change the look or function of the classrooms, yet still offers RF-EMF protection of 90-99%. For all these reasons we felt the school would be more likely to agree to install it.
This New Daylite fabric offers RF-EMF protection ranging from 90-99% against the varying frequencies of of wireless radiation emitting in the classrooms. 99% for 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth and closer to 90% for the 5GHz WiFi. For higher shielding performance we recommend Swiss Shield Naturell or Swiss Shield Ultima, which offer >99% protection against the most common frequencies of wireless radiation.
2. Shield the wall behind the WiFi modem mounted in the other adjoining classroom with multiple layers of the same shielding fabric to prevent backspray from the modem antennas through the wall
3. Reduce the RF-EMF output of all the modems to the lowest level possible, whilst still providing quality connectivity. Every school should do this, talk to your school today!
4. Disable WiFi modems and emitting devices in or near the classroom that are not needed or turn them off when not in use
5. Install ethernet cables and adaptors for the sensitive student. Note: many of the other students are now choosing to use them also rather than use WiFi connections! Kids are smart....
6. Educate the teacher and students about the risks of RF-EMF to their student and friend and how they can help to keep them safe
7. Measure with an EMF meter before during and after to be sure the changes are effectively reducing the levels of RF-EMF as intended and monitor on a regular basis to ensure the levels remain low.
And lastly well done to the school Principal and IT Manager who engaged with an open mind and co-operative spirit to create this lower EMF space which will benefit all the children in that space.
We wish we lived closer so our eldest child who is also electrically sensitive could attend this school, rather than being isolated at home with homeschooling our only option at present.
Watch the video reel our client made documenting the project:
Let's talk about the levels of RF-EMF
The levels measured in this classroom, before the changes, were ranging from 10 to 10,000uw/m2, mostly in the 100-1,000uw/m2 range. There were no devices being used in the room for those before measurements, so that was mostly just from the WiFi modems. Anything over 100uw/m2 is generally too high for an electrically sensitive person and we were aiming for <10uw/m2.
After the changes, the levels shown on the meter ranged from 1 to 100uw/m2, mostly sitting in the 1-10uw/m2 and sometimes peaking to 10-100uw/m2. This is an awesome result considering there was still 2 active WiFi modems in both the adjoining classrooms.
Safer EMF is here to help
If you'd like support and guidance to achieve great results like this, Safer EMF offers online consultations Australia-wide to make a challenging project like this so much easier, cost effective and successful.
Stay Safe
Safer EMF