Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS) is a multisystem medical condition characterised by physical symptoms associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF's). Sufferers report experiencing symptoms after or during exposure to even very low levels of EMF's.
Two members of our Safer EMF family are affected by Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome.
Those with EHS are likely to experience several of the following symptoms:
general: insomnia, fatigue, nausea, reflux, fluid retention, headaches (often described as vice like, gripping or pressure), sensitivity to chemicals and food, insatiable thirst, urinary/bowel urgency, behaviour change and synaesthesia
skin: burning, prickling and biting sensation on the skin like ‘electric shocks’, rashes, ulcers and shingles
nerve: restlessness, irritability, poor short term memory, difficulty concentrating, anomia, dizziness, vertigo, dyslexia, forgetfulness, brain fog and learning difficulties
heart: palpitations, chest pain, increased heart rate, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and blood pressure changes
musculoskeletal: body aches and joint pains, jaw and teeth pain, numbness or tingling sensations, muscle tremors, vibration and seizures
hearing: ringing in the ears, tinnitus, hearing loss, impaired balance
immune: impending cold or flu like symptoms that don't eventuate
eye and ear: vision and hearing disturbances
PHIRE - Physicians' Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Summary
Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe: Presentation at the Children with Cancer Conference 2018, Biological Justifications for Minimising Children’s Non-Ionising Radiation Exposure, including EHS symptoms
Brian Stein CBE: EHS - A Personal Testimony and a Political Journey
Dominque Belpomme & Philippe Irigaray: Research paper
If you would like to know more about EHS including how to diagnose it, reduce or stop the symptoms, treatments available to possibly recover from it, how to live and work with EHS and how to connect with others with EHS, Safer EMF offers online consultations to guide and support you.
Stay Safe
Safer EMF