There is mounting evidence and health warnings about Wi-Fi Radiation and the impact on your health.
Even in the legal fine print from your telco provider they warn you not to have the device within 1 inch of your body and not to hold them up to your head.
If you have a smart phone, tablet, laptop or wearable tech and have ever sat them on your lap, carried them in your pocket or held them to your head, then you should watch this.
If you use a baby monitor you should watch this.
If you have a Wi-Fi enabled home or workplace, then you should watch this.
Jeromy Johnson shares his experience, research and finding on wireless technology and Wi-Fi exposure and the connection with health issues.
Jeromy advises one of the best solutions is to install data cabling in the home and remove wi-fi.
Safer EMF can help you measure the EMF levels in your home and rewire your home.